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14/02/2023 - 16/02/2023 Nuremberg, Germany

Congress BIOFACH / VIVANESS 2023

  • Organic food and human health (FQH Session) Feb 16, 2023, 15:30 - 16:45 GMT+1 | ⁠Forum Science | Room OSLO (NCC Ost)
  • Organic Food Systems – More than green conventional food systems? ⁠ Feb 14, 2023, 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+1 | Forum BIOFACH | Room ST. PETERSBURG (NCC Ost) Joint session of IFOAM OI and OFSP – Organic Food System Programme

13/02/2020 Nuremberg, Germany

FQH / OFSP Meetings at BIOFACH 2020

As is the tradition, FQH has its General Assembly connected to the BioFach Fair in Nuremberg. Furthermore FQH organises once again a meeting for its UN-Programme initiative OFSP – Organic Food System Programme this year. Both events take place on Thursday February 13th 2020.

  • General Assembly FQH: 12.00 – 12.45 in room Athen, NCC Mitte
  • Meeting OFSP: 13.00 – 14.45 in room Athen, NCC Mitte

14/02/2019 Nuremberg, Germany

FQH / OFSP Meetings at BIOFACH 2019

As is the tradition, FQH has its General Assembly connected to the BioFach Fair in Nuremberg. Furthermore FQH organises once again a meeting for its UN-Programme initiative OFSP – Organic Food System Programme this year. Both events take place on Thursday February 14th 2019.

  • General Assembly FQH: 13.00 – 13.45 in room Singapur, NCC Ost 
    Member status
    Annual Report 2018
    Financial report 2018
    Exoneration of the Board
    Outlook 2019
    Budget 2019 & Approval
    Topics by members
  • Meeting OFSP: 14.00 – 15.45 in room Singapur, NCC Ost
    14.00 Welcome
    14.10 Status quo OFSP (projects, partners, meetings)
    14.20 Deliverables – Results from the survey for Deliverable 1
    14.30 Next steps for next deliverables
    14:40 Proposed systems workshop in Warsaw 
    14.50 Planning for OFSP mid-term conference around 18th-22nd September in Goesan/Korea
    15.00 Topics by partners
    15.30 Next steps, tasks, decisions

Furthermore FQH supports the following meetings of its international UN-Programme initiative OFSP as part of the BioFach congress.

  • Organic Diets Panel: Wednesday February 13th 2019, 11.00 – 12.30 in room Oslo, NCC Ost
  • ProOrg Project on organic processing: Thursday February 14th 2019, 12.00 – 13.30 in room Kopenhagen, NCC Ost
  • Organic Processing Fishbowl: Thursday February 14th 2019, 17.00-18.00 in room Kiew, NCC Ost

03/07/2018 - 06/07/2018 Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany

ISEKI Food Conference

09/11/2017 - 11/11/2017 New Delhi, India

Organic World Congress

15/10/2017 - 20/10/2017 Buenos Aires, Argentina

International Congress of Nutrition “From Sciences to Nutrition Security”

21/06/2017 - 23/06/2017 Pretoria, South Africa

1st Global Conference of the 10YFP Sustainable Food Systems Programme: Sustainable Food Systems for All Catalyzing Change through Multi-Stakeholder Action

19/06/2017 - 21/06/2017 Mikkeli, Finnland

4th Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF) Organic Conference

14/03/2017 Bari, Italy

FAO/CIHEAM Technical Workshop on the development of voluntary guidelines for the sustainability of the Mediterranean diet

07/03/2017 - 10/03/2017 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany

14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau (WiTa)

16/02/2017 Nuremberg, Germany

Biofach Session: Towards a sustainable organic food system. Transformation processes from organic agriculture to sustainable lifestyles

06/10/2016 Helsinki, Finnland

Organic Food Seminar of the Finnish Organic Food Association

29/09/2016 - 01/10/2016 Goesan, Republic of Korea

International Congress of the Asian Local Governments for Organic Agriculture (ALGOA)

30/08/2016 - 02/09/2016 Cape Town, South Africa

International conference of the World Public Health Nutrition Association (WPHNA)

20/10/2015 - 23/10/2015 Berlin, Germany

12th European Nutrition Conference

FQH and the Danish Nutrition Society organized the very successful session 5.2. “Sustainable Diets – Do organic food systems contribute?” during the European Nutrition Conference (FENS) in Berlin on tuesday 20th of October 2015. More than 100 interested experts followed the inspiring presentations and discussed the findings presented.

18/09/2015 - 10/10/2015 Goesan County, Chungbuk Province, Republic of Korea

ISOFAR2015 Goesan

13/10/2014 - 15/10/2014 Istanbul, Turkey

Organic world congress

29/09/2013 - 02/10/2013 Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands

Conference on global food security

05/06/2013 - 07/06/2013 Warsaw, Poland

FQH Conference on Food Quality and Health Research

18/05/2011 - 20/05/2011 Prague, Czech Republic

FQH Conference on Food Quality and Health Research

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